
Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Athletics Day

Last week on Thursday we had Athletics Day. It was a fun and exhausting day. We participated in lots of  sports, like 100 metre and 75 metre sprints, Shot-put, Javelin and high jump. I was in Te Arawa house group which is the red team.

We kicked our day off with a ball throwing game which you have to stand on a mat and chuck the ball over your head as far as you can. You are not allowed to stand off the mat or you will be disqualified. After we continued on to javelin which I failed at majorly.The person who won at javelin was Prince, he had most farthest throw of all. After that we continued on to more sports which requires lots of strength and speed. baseball throw and later on we had relays.

After morning tea we did shot-put. It was `fun but also hard. Athletics day was very fun and also very tired.


Awhina said...

Hi, Kendrix
I really like your post about athletics day. Maybe next time you could add a little more about your day and check you puncutation.


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